Klübersynth FB 4 (Gamma)

Do you want your high-speed oil-lubricated machine tool spindle bearings to work reliably and meet your high-level operational requirements? Do you also want to achieve the expected service for the design life of your spindle? With these critical operational requirements in mind Klüber Lubrication have developed Klübersynth FB 4 oils to fulfil the extreme operational requirements of modern machine tools. Klübersynth FB 4 is a finely filtered speciality lubricant made on the basis of a PAO and shows a high degree of purity. Klübersynth FB 4 contributes to high tool spindle availability and reduces friction and wear in the bearings. The performance capacity of Klübersynth FB 4-68 was tested and confirmed by Werkzeugmaschinenlabor WZL at RWTH Aachen (Germany).
The Klübersynth FB 4 series is applied to rolling bearings in high-speed tool spindles using oil-air lubrication systems.
Application notes
Please apply the oil directly into the lubrication system reservoir from the original package to ensure that the high purity of the oil is maintained without external contamiation. In the production stage, the oil shows a degree of purity of 15/13/10. During filling, the degree of purity may be affected by influences originating from the containers. Ensure clean filling and that reservoirs and lubrication systems are fully closed following filling.
- Longer oil life due to good resistance to ageing and oxidation
- Reliable bearing operation across the speed range and at high speed factors
- High machine availability due to reduced maintenance requirement
- High degree of oil cleanliness
- High VI index - low influence of temperature fluctuations on viscosity
Disponibile nelle versioni:
- Klübersynth FB 4-32
- Klübersynth FB 4-46
- Klübersynth FB 4-68