Klüber Summit Supra (Gamma)

As an operator of air compressors, you are interested in obtaining a compressor oil enabling longer oil change intervals as well as effective and reliable machine operation. It is especially for these requirements that we have developed the Klüber Summit Supra oils. Besides their long oil life, Klüber Summit Supra oils offer you high oxidation stability, leading to less maintenance and lower operating costs. The oils' low tendency to form oxidation residues in the oil cycle extends oil filter and oil separator life and provides good conditions for longer oil change intervals. The oils contain inhibitors especially tuned to the application to additionally act against residue formation in the compressor and designed to enable good compressor efficiency. The ester component contained helps dissolve any residues that may have formed so that the oil cycle is kept clean. Klüber Summit Supra oils are based on an advanced additive concept offering effective wear protection for steel-steel material pairings. Klüber Summit Supra oils are also neutral towards most elastomers used in air compressors, therefore leakage is not to be expected. Owing to the evaporation stability of the base oil, the oil vapour content in the compressed air can be considerably reduced compared to conventional mineral oils, especially in screw-type compressors. This contributes to a reduction of oil consumption and clean compressed air; gumming of pneumatic valves in the compressed air circuit can be prevented as well due to the low oil content of the Klüber Summit Supra Coolant and Supra 32 in the compressed air.
Klüber Summit Supra Coolant and Klüber Summit Supra 32 have been especially designed for oil change intervals up to 8,000 operating hours in oil-injected screw-type compressors which are prefilled by the manufacturer with polyglycol oil. Due to the specific viscosity and special formulation, Klüber Summit Supra 32 is also suitable for the lubrication of turbocompressors. Klüber Summit Supra 26 N was especially developed for turbocompressors in order to meet the OEMs' viscosity requirements. An oil change interval of up to 40,000 operating hours is possible for turbocompressors, depending on the operating conditions. To enable Klüber Summit Supra 26 N achieve this oil service life it is indispensable to perform an oil condition monitoring every six months. Without prior oil analysis no conclusion can be drawn on the oil's suitability for further use. Klüber Summit Supra oils can be mixed with other polyglycol oils and the Klüber Summit Ultima series. The products are not miscible with mineral oils and synthetic hydrocarbon oils.
Application notes
When selecting the oil viscosity for air compressors, please observe the manufacturer's instructions. When switching a used compressor to a Klüber Summit Supra series oil, drain the old oil from the whole circuit while still warm. We also recommend changing all oil filters and separators. Then refill the compressor with Klüber Summit Supra oil. If the previously used oil was a polyglycol oil from another manufacturer, oxidation residues may be present in the compressor. Typical symptoms are black discoloration or impurities in the previously used oil. As such residues can affect the service life of the fresh Klüber Summit Supra oil, the compressor should be cleaned using the Klüber Summit Varnasolv conditioner (cf. product information leaflet). Your contact persons at Klüber Lubrication would be pleased to provide further information. After switching to a Klüber Summit Supra oil we recommend determining the oil change interval through an oil analysis or the Klüber Summit TAN Kit.
- Low maintenance and operating costs due to oil change intervals up to 8,000 operating hours in oil-injected screwtype compressors and up to 40,000 operating hours in turbocompressors
- Lower operating costs due to long oil filter and oil separator lifetimes
- Reduced cleaning costs due to good dirt-dissolving capacity of the ester oil component
- Good miscibility of oils, hence simpler conversion of compressors previously run with oils based on polyglycol
- Very good wear protection for steel friction bodies
Disponibile nelle versioni:
- Klüber Summit Supra 26N
- Klüber Summit Supra 32
- Klüber Summit Supra Coolant